Christian Andreas
to der Horst

* 26.10.1692
+ 1764
Christina Margarethe (Mary)

* 19.10.1701
+ 20.08.1781

Christina Elisabeth
tho der Horst

* 26.12.1741 (1742?) Braunschweig
* 25.01.1821 Braunschweig

Kinder mit: Johann Christoph Wilmerding (* 21.06.1711 Braunschweig + 03.11.1784), Kaufmann (oo 22.01.1760):

Dorothea Heinriette

* 30.11.1760
+ ?
Christian Wilhelm

* 22.01.1762 Braunschweig
+ 19.07.1832 Moscow (NY)
Christina Elisabeth

* 11.04.1766 Braunschweig
+ 12.05.1834
Carl August

* 25.02.1771 Braunschweig
+ 12.05.1805 Braunschweig
Julius Friedrich
* 11.05.1769 Braunschweig
+ 15.02.1774 Braunschweig

- Stammbaum To der Horst im Familienbesitz Woydt
- Manuskript: Stam-Buch der to der Horstischen Familie in Braunschweig und Hamburg.
- Ihr Eintrag bei Pumyea/Venedam: Lebensdaten Sohn Julius, Vornamen Schwiegertochter von der Heyden
- A. Munsell Bradhurst: "My forefathers, their history from records & traditions": "John Christopher married Christine Elizabeth Tho der Horst Had five children
[1:] Christian William married Catherine von Falkenhahn Ancestor of the Wilmerdings in America
[2:] Charles Augustus Ancestor of the Wilmerdings of Flensburg, and of F. C, Becker of Brunswick, and of R. Henneberg, the painter
... William Wilmerding's two sons, John Henry, and John Christopher, founded two distinct branches of the family. From John Henry, the elder, was descended the family of Wilmerding of Brunswick, whose last male representative died in 1848; and John Christopher, the younger brother, was the father of Christian Wilhelm Wilmerding, who settled in New York towards the close of the Eighteenth century....
John Christopher Wilmerding— from whom the American family of Wilmerding is descended — was born in Brunswick, 21st June, 1711, and was the younger son of William Wilmerding by Magdalena Elizabeth Hageman. He was a merchant of some importance, and, having succeeded to his father's business, became as influential in commerce as his brother and his nephew — the two John Henry Wilmerdings — were in the politics of Brunswick,
His first wife, Minna Agnes Luttich, having died 4th October, 1757, without issue, he married secondly Christine Elizabeth Tho der Horst, by whom he had Christian William and two other sons, and two daughters.
John Christopher showed his enlightenment by being the first person in Brunswick to have his children vaccinated, ist December, 1767 : and he proved his commercial prosperity by building, in 1763, the imposing family mansion in the Breite Strasse, next to the old " Stadt-haus." This old Wilmerding mansion could still be seen in the Nineteenth century, bearing witness to the position of its late owners. The site, which is of some consequence in the annals of Brunswick, had been purchased by Mr. Wilmerding from the family of vonWalbeck; it had previously, as far back as 1322, been the property of the family of de Domo, or von dem Hans — so called because they lived near the " Altstadtrathaus."
Mr. Wilmerding also possessed a country seat near Brunswick, which was eventually purchased by his great-grandson, Rudolph Frederick Henneberg, the artist.
A portrait of John Christopher was in the possession of his great- grandson, the late John Christopher Wilmerding, at " Beau Sejour," and another is the property of Lucius K. Wilmerding, of New York —
likewise a great-grandson — who also possesses a portrait of John Christopher's wife, Christine Elizabeth Tho der Horst, who was born in Brunswick in 1742, and died there 25th January, 1821. By her John Christopher had five children. He died 3rd November, 1784, his second son, Julius Frederick, having predeceased him ten years previously.
Of the four surviving children. Christian William, the eldest, founded the present family of Wilmerding in America; Charles Augustus, whose male line is extinct, had an only son, living at Flensberg, Germany;' and the two daughters, Dorothea Henrietta and Christine Elizabeth, married respectively J. H. Tho der Horst, the senator, and John Louis Tho der Horst. The double marriage of these two sisters was the theme of several poems of congratulation, w^hich are preserved in the Library of Brunswick, for not only were the bridegrooms of the same name, but the mother of the brides was also, it will be remembered, of the family of Tho der Horst. This surname is sometimes (incorrectly) written Toderhorst; ^ and it was probably a son of one of these two sisters who was the " George Ferdinand Toderhorst," whose papers, partly burned, were saved from the fire on the premises of Messrs. Bradhurst & Field.' From these documents it seems that he was possessed of some means, and was in business in New York, and had numerous transactions with that firm. He appears to have had a lawsuit in Westphalia. He died in 1804, in New York, having appointed as his executor John Maunsell Brad- hurst, whose wife was a daughter of Christian William Wilmerding. Whether George Ferdinand "Toderhorst" was indeed the son of one of the two sisters above-mentioned cannot be positively stated, but that he was related to them and to their brother, Christian William, and therefore also to Mrs, John Maunsell Bradhurst, appears to be almost beyond doubt.

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