Hans Emil
* 09.01.1856 Koege
+ 22.03.1945 Hellebaek
Sofie Therese

* 12.12.1871 Skanderborg
+ 25.04.1915 Estland


* 05.01.1898 Charkow
+ 10.07.1980 Gentofte

Kinder mit: Kjeld Anker Ammentorp (* 10.11.1895 Frederiksberg + 23.10.1975 Gentofte), Direktor, Civilingenioer, [WEITER BEI AMMENTORP] (oo 01.05.1920 London):

Kirsten Anker

* 16.08.1921 Frederiksberg
+ 07.04.1989 Kopenhagen
Paul Anker

* 02.12.1922 London
+ 17.07.1992
- Ihr Eintrag bei Ammentorp.
- Eintrag Ihres Gatten bei Ammentorp Genealogie: "Min morfar, som har udført et stort arbejde med forskning i specielt Ammentorp-slægten. Har desuden lavet en lille bog (selvudgivet/trykt) om Anders Kiellerup, og minder fra hans hjem og St. Thomas-tiden. Direktør, civilingeniør. Bosat i England 1919-1961. Nu Lions Park, Lendemosevej 8, Nærum. Se iøvrigt Krak's blaa Bog, og den Ammentorpske slægtsbog.
Han grundlagde Ready Mixed Concrete i London i 1930. Cementblanderbilerne er jeg opdraget til at kalde morfarbiler. (MA)
her er, hvad der står om ham på deres hjemmeside:
Before World War II builders doubted that ready-mixed concrete could be successfully delivered to construction sites, although ready-mixed is more convenient than mixing on the spot. Their skepticism stemmed partly from the failure of ready-mix ventures in the United States--in the days before self-agitating cement trucks the concrete was often rock hard by the time it arrived at the site. When a truck mixer that inhibited crystallization was invented in the United States in 1926, Danish engineer Kjeld Ammentorp invested in the new industry in England.
Ammentorp built his first plant at Bedfont, in a pit on land owned by the builders' suppliers Hall and Company. With money from friends in Denmark, Ammentorp incorporated his business, Ready Mixed Concrete Limited, in July 1930. The Bedfont location was ideal not only because it was close to London, where new construction was booming, but also because supplies of aggregates, the raw materials needed for mixing concrete, were abundant in the area. By building the plant directly in the pit, Ammentorp eliminated the need to haul materials.
Building the plant took more time than expected. Permission to build was slow in coming, and the first concrete to pave the yard and the loading bay was not poured until February 1931. Further delays occurred when parts had to be imported from Scandinavia. The completed structure was primitive. Gravel had to be hauled by chain-and-bucket elevators that broke down often. Early workers recalled working through the night with only the warmth of whiskey and rum to spur them on. The production process itself was crude--as one employee recalled in The Readymixers, weighing and measuring sand, ballast, and cement and adding water was a hit-or-miss process.
Demand for the new product was not high since the public was not yet convinced the ready-mix method worked. Government road-improvement projects set up to ease the unemployment caused by the stock market crash and ensuing Great Depression gave Ready Mixed Concrete some work. As profits slowly increased, Ammentorp increased the size of his truck fleet by buying agitators from Denmark.
World War II brought RMC's growth almost to a halt. Although there were a few new contracts for air-raid shelters and emergency construction work, general construction declined. When Ammentorp and other members of the staff were called up for military duty, operations nearly ceased until the end of the war.
The war's devastation of Europe offered many opportunities for the construction industry and those businesses that serviced it. Before taking advantage of the situation, however, Ammentorp had to deal with three challenges: replacing worn-out equipment, overcoming the increasing number of competitors, and building up the supplies of cement that had been depleted by wartime rationing. Ammentorp's salesmanship produced a pretax profit of £9,000 by 1950, when work began on a new Bedfont plant. A year later, Ready Mixed Concrete increased its output by 50 percent and its profit by 100 percent.
About the time that Ammentorp was leaving his business to become a soldier, an Australian accountant named Sam Stirling met Bill Freeman, a lawyer from Sydney, on a plane ride in New Guinea. The two men eventually became partners in a venture to supply and deliver ready-mixed concrete in Australia. The company was registered in 1939 as Ready Mixed Concrete Limited of Australia, and Stirling designed the bright orange diamond-shaped logo that is still in use today.
Like its counterpart in Great Britain, Ready Mixed of Australia suffered a series of losses until 1946. Then Stirling began to think about expanding overseas, in Europe. Stirling was a charismatic man who favored a seat-of-the-pants management style. He appreciated the same traits in other people as well. Bryan Kelman, a young British engineer who had worked with Ready Mixed of Australia on a project in Canberra, came upon Stirling adjusting some of the company's equipment one day when he was visiting the office. Not knowing that Stirling was the owner, Kelman demanded that he leave the equipment alone and leave the premises. Even when Stirling assured Kelman that he did indeed belong there, Kelman held his ground. Impressed, Stirling convinced Kelman to work for him at twice his current pay and sent him to Great Britain to assess the ready-mix market.
After arriving in England in April 1951, Kelman opened a company bank account and met with John Gauntlett, a corporate lawyer in the firm of Linklaters and Paines, to draw up the papers for the formation of Stirling Readymix Concrete. Gauntlett became an important link between the new company and the London business community and eventually became deputy chairman. When Kelman could not find investors for the new company, Stirling came to London himself. But even his charisma and business acumen could not convince British financiers that ready-mixed concrete could be a viable industry. Stirling had to get funds from the Australian business community.
With the new funding, Kelman purchased a plant in Liverpool and moved it to Poplar, where operations began in April 1952. Stirling assigned Kelman to convince Ammentorp to sell the now-prosperous Ready Mixed Concrete to the Australian company. Early in 1952, Ammentorp sold his company to Stirling for £92,500, and Stirling Readymix Concrete became Ready Mixed Concrete, based in Great Britain. Ammentorp stayed on as a board member for six years and then left England and the company he had founded."

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