Wars 2
“The author shows that human nature is not unchanging ; that the warlike nations do not inherit the earth ; that warfare does not make for the survival of the fittest or virile ; that the struggle between nations is no part of the evolutionary law of man‘s advance, and that that idea resides on a profound misreading of the biological law ; that physical force is a constantly diminishing factor in human affairs, and that this diminution carries with it profound psychological modifications ; that society is classifying itself by interests rather than by State divisions ; that all these multiple factors are making rapidly for the disappearance of State rivalries.”
aus: Norman Angell: The Great Illusion, London 1912³, p.viii
Abb.: Britto Arts Trust: Rasad, lokaler Basar und Supershop, Documenta15, 2022, Detail. [Erläuterung bei Wikipedia: Die marshallesischen Wörter … Men Otemjej Rej Ilo Bein Anij (deutsch “Alles liegt in Gottes Hand”) geben die 1946 gegebene Antwort des bikinianischen Führers Juda auf die Frage des US-Kommodores Ben Wyatt wieder, ob die Bikinianer ihre Inseln für das “Wohl der ganzen Menschheit” … aufgeben würden …; im Internet]”