Friedrich Christoph
* 21.04.1772 Rudolstadt
+ 18.05.1843 Gotha
Maria Carolina Elisabeth ("Ilsabe")

* 07.02.1774 Wandsbek
+ 28.08.1821 Hamburg

Luise Caroline Henriette

* 10.01.1802 Hamburg
+ 21.07.1880 Gotha

Kinder mit: Johann Friedrich Agricola (* 02.08.1790 Ohrdruf, Gotha + 25.01.1862 Gotha), Oberkonsistorialrat (oo 12.04.1820 Wandsbek):


* 15.01.1824 Gotha
+ 22.07.1901 Eisenach
Mathilde Luise

* 31.07.1826 Gotha
+ 30.04.1899 Gotha
Reno Julius Theodore

* 02.01.1827 Gotha
+ 20.03.1907 Marietta, Cobb, GA USA
Otto Ludwig

* 22.02.1829 Gotha
+ 27.12.1902 Bad Kreuznach
* 26.02.1839 Gotha
+ 18.11.1854 Gotha
* 26.02.1839 Gotha
+ 17.10.1856
Thekla Sophia

* 16.10.1836 Gotha
+ 06.08.1906 Halle an der Saale
? ?
- Ihre Seite bei Geni: "Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola (Perthes) Birthdate: January 10, 1802 Birthplace: Hamburg, Germany Death: July 21, 1880 (78) Gotha, Thuringia, Germany Immediate Family: Daughter of Dr. Friedrich Christoph Perthes and Maria Carolina Elisabeth Claudius Wife of Johann Friedrich Agricola Mother of Alfred Agricola; Mathilde Luise Gebhardt; Otto Ludwig Agricola; Bernhard Agricola; Ernst Agricola and 1 other Sister of Agnes Marie Perthes; Friedrich Matthias Perthes; Clemens Theodor Perthes; Andreas Traugott Perthes and Mathilde Amalie Pauline Becker Half sister of Rudolph Friedrich Perthes; Auguste Dorothea Agnes Thienemann; Elise Johanna Charlotte Ewald and Caroline Friederike Sophie Perthes Managed by: Private User Last Updated: September 18, 2024 View Complete Profile Matching family tree profiles for Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola view all matches › Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola (born Perthes) in MyHeritage family trees (Rolf Schneider und Familie) Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola (born Perthes) in MyHeritage family trees (Agricola Web Site) Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola (born Perthes) in MyHeritage family trees (Schippert Web Site) Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola (born Perthes) in MyHeritage family trees (Familienseite) Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola (born Perthes) in MyHeritage family trees (Familienseite) Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola (born Perthes) in MyHeritage family trees (Schippert Web Site) Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola (born Perthes) in MyHeritage family trees (Familienseite) Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola (born Perthes) in MyHeritage family trees (Göbel Web Site) Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola (born Perthes) in MyHeritage family trees (Familie Winkler-Speer) Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola (born Perthes) in MyHeritage family trees (Lasarczyk Web Site) Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola (born Claudius) in MyHeritage family trees (Emig Web Site) Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola (born Perthes) in MyHeritage family trees (Bettermann Web Site) view all 23 Immediate Family Johann Friedrich Agricola husband Alfred Agricola son Mathilde Luise Gebhardt daughter Otto Ludwig Agricola son Bernhard Agricola son Ernst Agricola son Sophie Thekla Agricola daughter Dr. Friedrich Christoph Perthes father Maria Carolina Elisabeth Claudius mother Agnes Marie Perthes sister Friedrich Matthias Perthes brother Clemens Theodor Perthes brother view all Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola's Timeline 1802 January 10, 1802 Birth of Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola Hamburg, Germany 1824 January 15, 1824 Birth of Alfred Agricola Gotha, Gotha, Thuringia, Germany 1826 July 31, 1826 Birth of Mathilde Luise Gebhardt Gotha, Thuringia, Germany 1829 February 22, 1829 Birth of Otto Ludwig Agricola Gotha, Gotha, Thuringia, Germany 1880 July 21, 1880 Age 78 Death of Luise Caroline Henriette Agricola Gotha, Thuringia, Germany ???? Birth of Ernst Agricola ???? Birth of Sophie Thekla Agricola ???? Birth of Bernhard Agricola "
- Familysearchtree: "Ernst Agricola Männlich Quellen (0) Erinnerungen (0) Zusammenarbeiten (0) Geburt: 26 February 1839Gotha, Sa.C.G., Thuer. Tod: 17 October 1856 Bernhard Agricola Männlich Quellen (0) Erinnerungen (0) Zusammenarbeiten (0) Geburt: 26 February 1839Gotha, Sa.C.G., Thuer. Tod: 18 November 1854Gotha, Sa.C.G., Thuer. "

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