Johann Heinrich / John Henry
Goßler / Gossler

* 29.03.1805 Hamburg
+ 10.09.1879 Hamburg
Mary Elizabeth
* 06.07.1810 Boston, Massachusetts
+ 18.04.1886 Hamburg

Frances Eliot
Gossler / Goßler

* 28.08.1832 Hamburg
+ 14.12.1859 Hamburg

Kinder mit: Hermann Ludwig Behn (* 16.10.1820 Hamburg + 29.12.1901 Hamburg), Syndicus [WEITER BEI WEULE] (oo 08.12.1853 Hamburg):

Anna Marie
* 03.05.1855 Hamburg
+ 09.02.1874 Montreux, Waadt, Schweiz
Frances Elisabeth
* 02.04.1857 Hamburg
+ 27.07.1874 Hamburg
Franz Hermann

* 11.11.1859 Hamburg
+ 27.11.1927 Hamburg

- Ihre Seite bei Weule: "Name Frances Eliot GOSSLER [2] Name Frances Eliot GOSSLER [3] Events Type Date Place Sources birth 28. August 1832 Hamburg search of this place marriage 8. December 1853 Hamburg search of this place death 14. December 1859 Hamburg search of this place Parents Johann HEINRICH "John Henry" GOSSLER Mary ELIZABETH BRAY Spouses and Children Marriage Spouse Children 8. December 1853 Hamburg Hermann Ludwig BEHN 3. May 1855 Anna Marie BEHN ♀ 2. April 1857 Frances Elisabeth BEHN ♀ 11. November 1859 Franz HERMANN BEHN ♂ Sources 1 2 Hesse, Germany, Marriages, 1849-1930, Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv; Wiesbaden, Deutschland; Signatur: 11690 Author: Publication: Operations, Inc. 3 Ancestry Family Trees, Ancestry Family Tree Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Database Title Weule-Woile-Datenbank 2022 Description Uploaded 2022-02-13 20:53:23.0 Submitter user's avatar Reinhard Weule "

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