- Deutsches Geschlechterbuch Bd.21, S.340
- Mazatlan
History: "Later, in 1862, the French invaded Mexico. Once the U.S. Civil
War ended, Lincoln's government assisted Mexico's strong resistence with weapons
shipments. Most of the guns that reached Mazatl�n came from San Francisco. An
American called Frederick Fitsch and a German, Theodor Lemmen Meyer ( both
of whom founded families in Mazatl�n) were instrumental in introducing them."
- Sein Eintrag bei Spiegel-Genealogie
Presidentes Municipales de Mazatl�n (1912-1998) Designados por el gobierno del
estado o electos por el propio Ayuntamiento: "1927-1928 Teodoro Lemmen
Meyer. Presidente Municipal Sustituto, del 30 de noviembre de 1927 al 7 de
agosto de 1928. ... 1929 Teodoro Lemmen Meyer. Presidente Municipal Constitucional,
hasta el 14 de mayo."
- Suchanzeige
in verlassener Mailing-list: "I am looking for data on Theodor LEMMEN MEYER, born in 1832, possibly at Hamburg. He must have emigrated to The USA during the period 1849-1854. He became a citizen of the USA on July 6 1868, was a resident of California, is mentioned on the 1860 Census, and shown as a resident of San Francisco in 1862 and was an import commission merchant. He became a prominent businessman in Menlo Park where in 1864 he built the Bright Eagle Mansion, now a landmark. Thanks and regards."