
* 31.07.1821 Hamburg
+ 08.04.1909 Hamburg
Laetitia Sophia
* 23.02.1845 St. Thomas, Dänisch Westindien
+ Hamburg


Kaufmann zu Hamburg, Teilhaber der Firma 'Joh. Schuback & Söhne'

* 02.06.1869 Hamburg
+ 24.01.1953 Hamburg

Kinder mit: Emmy Mathilde Gossler (1873-1963) (oo 27.07.1900 Hamburg):

? ? ?
- Seine Seite bei Hennings: " Carl Heinrich Amsinck Geboren am 26. April 1872 - Hamburg, Deutschland / Germany Verstorben am 28. Juni 1939 - Hamburg, Deutschland / Germany , Alter: 67 Jahre alt Kaufmann zu Hamburg, Mitinhaber der Firma 'Johannes Schuback & S�hne', Ha Eltern Wilhelm Amsinck 1821-1909 Kaufmann, seit 1849 Teilhaber der Firma 'Johannes Schuback & S�hne', 1843 Laetitia Sophia Willink 1845- Eheschließungen, Kinder und die Enkelkinder Verheiratet am 7. Oktober 1902 , Hamburg, Deutschland / Germany, mit Frances Gertrud Carr , geboren am 19. Februar 1880 - Hamburg, Deutschland / Germany , verstorben (Eltern : M Edward Carr 1834-1892 & F Margaretha Gossler 1850-1919 ) ihre Kinder F Margaretha Laetitia Amsinck 1903- M Carl Wilhelm Amsinck 1905 verheiratet am 23. Mai 1939, Schweinfurt, Franken, Bayern, Deutschland / Germany, mit Auguste Margarete Magdalena Hesselbach 1908 ihre Kinder F Elisabeth Gertrud Amsinck F Johanna Maria Amsinck M Reinhard Carl Gustav Johannes Amsinck F Gerda Lili Amsinck 1908 M Kurt Erdwin Amsinck verheiratet mit Ingrid Victoria Schmid ihre Kinder F Frances Anne Brigitte Amsinck F Gisela Ingrid Amsinck ... Notizen Hinweis zur Person Breuf: Kaufmann zu Hamburg, Mitinhaber der Firma 'Johannes Schuback & S�hne', Handelsrichter. "
- Seine Seite bei Weule: " Name Carl Heinrich AMSINCK [1] [2] [3] [4] Events Type Date Place Sources birth 26. April 1872 Hamburg search of this place [5] [6] [7] marriage 7. October 1902 Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland search of this place [11] burial 1939 Hamburg-Niendorf search of this place [8] death 28. June 1939 Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland search of this place [9] [10] Parents Wilhelm AMSINCK Laetitia Sophia WILLINK Spouses and Children Marriage Spouse Children 7. October 1902 Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland Frances GERTRUD CARR 4. August 1903 Margaretha Laetitia AMSINCK ♀ 17. June 1905 Carl Wilhelm AMSINCK ♂ 15. May 1908 Gerda Lili AMSINCK ♀ 2. January 1918 Kurt Erdwin AMSINCK ♂ Sources 1 Germany, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Author: Ancestry.com Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 2 Hamburg, Germany, Selected Deaths, 1876-1932 Author: Ancestry.com Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 3 Hamburg, Germany, Marriages, 1874-1920 Author: Ancestry.com Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 4 Ancestry Family Trees, Ancestry Family Tree Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. 5 Germany, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Author: Ancestry.com Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 6 Hamburg, Germany, Selected Deaths, 1876-1932 Author: Ancestry.com Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 7 Hamburg, Germany, Marriages, 1874-1920 Author: Ancestry.com Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 8 Germany, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Author: Ancestry.com Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 9 Germany, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Author: Ancestry.com Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 10 Hamburg, Germany, Selected Deaths, 1876-1932 Author: Ancestry.com Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 11 Hamburg, Germany, Marriages, 1874-1920 Author: Ancestry.com Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. Database Title Weule-Woile-Datenbank 2022 Description Uploaded 2022-02-13 20:53:23.0 Submitter user's avatar Reinhard Weule "

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