Friedrich Julius Jacob Hubert
* 14.06.1831 Düsseldorf
+ 14.01.1902 Toxteth Park, Liverpool
Johanne Helene

* 21.05.1838 Hamburg
+ 10.12.1903 Toxteth Park, Liverpool

Julius Rudolph Francis


* 29.08.1877 West Derby, Lancashire, UK
+ 30.03.1939 Alameda, CA, USA

1. Kinder mit: Elsie K NN (* 1885 NJ) :

Patricia Frances

* 11.1922 (18.07.1925 Alameda CA USA?)
+ 07.2000 London
? ?

2. Kinder mit: Ida Douglas Spence (* 18.09.1888 CA, USA + 16.05.1978 Palo Alto, Santa Clara, CA, USA) [ZUR GATTIN WEITER BEI GENEALOGIEONLINE] (oo 08.05.1924 Alameda, CA, USA):

? ? ?

- Seine Seite bei Mothe: " Julius Rudolph Francis SERVAES Geboren am 29. August 1877 - West Derby, , Lancashire, England, Royaume-Uni Verstorben am 30. März 1939 - Alameda, , , California, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Alter: 61 Jahre alt Eltern sosa Friedrich Julius Jacob Hubert SERVAES 1831-1902 sosa Johanne Helene WILCKENS 1838-1903 Eheschließungen und Kinder Verheiratet am 8. Mai 1924, Alameda, , , California, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, mit Ida Douglass SPENCE 1888-1978 ihre Kinder F Patricia Frances SERVAES Geschwister M Francis Charles SERVAES 1861-1913 M sosa Julius Maximus SERVAES 1863-1947 F Susan Frances SERVAES 1866-1955 M Alfred James SERVAES 1868-1935 F Helen Janet SERVAES 1873-1955 F Tony Charlotte SERVAES 1876-1966 M Julius Rudolph Francis SERVAES 1877-1939 (ausblenden) Ereignisse 29. August 1877 : Geburt - West Derby, , Lancashire, England, Royaume-Uni 20. April 1903 : Immigration - New York, , , New York, Etats-Unis d'Amérique Port de départ: Liverpool Port d'arrivée: New York Nom du bateau: Cedric 8. Mai 1924 : Heirat (mit Ida Douglass SPENCE) - Alameda, , , California, Etats-Unis d'Amérique 30. März 1939 : Tod - Alameda, , , California, Etats-Unis d'Amérique "
- Seine Seite bei Chamove: " Julius Rudolph Francis Servaes Geboren am 29. August 1877 - Walton-on-the-Hill, West Derby, Lancashire, England Verstorben Eltern Julius Frederick Jacob Hubert Servaes 1831-1902 Helen Johanna Esson Wilckens 1839-1903 Eheschließungen und Kinder Mit Elsie K Servaes 1885- ihre Kinder F Patricia Servaes 1922-2000 Mit Ida D Spence 1888-1978 Geschwister M Francis Charles Servaes, . 1861-1913 M Maximus Julius Servaes 1863-1947 F Susan Frances Servaes 1866-1955 M Alfred James Servaes 1868-1935 F Helena Janet Servaes 1873-1955 F Tony Charlotte Servaes 1876-1966 M Julius Rudolph Francis Servaes 1877- (ausblenden) Ereignisse 29. August 1877 : Geburt - Walton-on-the-Hill, West Derby, Lancashire, England Quellen: New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 - - Name: name: Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010;;; - Online publication - New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls); on and Naturalization Service; National Archives, Washington, D.C.. 1879 : Immigration 20. April 1903 : Immigration - Liverpool, England to New York, New York, USA 12. September 1918 : Wohnsitz - Broadway Apts, Oakland, Alameda, California, USA Quellen: Draft Registration Card 1920 : Wohnsitz - Lodger 300 13th St. Oakland, Alameda, California, USA --- : Wohnsitz - Liverpool, Lancashire, England Quellen: New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 - - Name: name: Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010;;; - Online publication - New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls); on and Naturalization Service; National Archives, Washington, D.C.. 20. April 1903 : Wohnsitz - New York City, New York, USA Quellen: New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 - - Name: name: Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010;;; - Online publication - New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls); on and Naturalization Service; National Archives, Washington, D.C.. 12. September 1918 : Beruf - Edward Brent, Marine Insurance, 228 Sansome St., San Francisco, California, USA Quellen: Draft Registration Card 1920 : Beruf - marine insurance, Oakland "

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